
Why Knitting the Same Pattern Multiple Times is a Game-Changer

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· 4 min read

So, you’ve bought the most thrilling pattern of the year. You’ve knitted one version, and now your hands are itching to cast it on again. But everything around you is screaming, “Look here, you have another pattern you would like.” Still, your heart goes back to the same one? I’ve been there; I’ve got you! So buckle up and let me take you on a journey on how not to be afraid of knitting the same pattern multiple times.

There’s a widespread belief among knitters that life is too short to knit the same pattern more than once. After all, there are so many gorgeous patterns out there waiting to be discovered, and it’s hard not to feel the itch to start something new every time you cast off your latest project or even during the project. We’ve all been there. But what if I told you there’s a whole world of creativity and satisfaction in revisiting the same pattern, not just once, but multiple times? Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

Let’s bust the myth that re-knitting the same pattern is boring! In fact, using the same pattern as a canvas for different ideas is one of the most thrilling ways to level up as a knitter. Whether experimenting with new colors, trying out different yarns, or making slight modifications, each iteration becomes a dazzling expression of your creativity. The beauty of this approach is that you already know the pattern, so you can fully concentrate on playing with new elements. It’s like baking your favorite cake recipe but adding a twist each time—lemon zest here, chocolate chips there—creating something fresh and delightful with every bake (or knit)!

Over the past two years, I’ve knitted four versions of the Champagne Cardigan, each telling a different story.

My first Champagne Cardigan was a lovely ecru version that became a staple in my wardrobe. But, like many knitters, I learned the hard way that not all washing machines are created equal. After a remarkable trip to Portugal, I accidentally felt it by washing it on the wrong cycle. While most would see this as a disaster, I saw it as an opportunity. I transformed it into a cropped cardigan, which, as luck would have it, aligns perfectly with today’s fashion trends. Sometimes, a mistake is just a new idea in disguise.

I wanted to explore a different color combination for my second attempt, so I chose pink and ecru. The result was stunning—a softer, more playful take on the original. My mother instantly fell in love with it, and because knitting is as much about giving as it is about creating, I gifted it to her. That’s the magic of knitting: you pour your time, skill, and love into each piece, and sometimes, it’s meant to warm someone else’s heart (and shoulders).

Having given away the pink and ecru cardigan, I again found myself without a Champagne Cardigan in my closet. But, as always, inspiration struck again. This time, I opted for a peachy hue combined with ecru, and the result was simply delightful. The soft, warm tones added a new dimension to the pattern, making it feel fresh and vibrant. It’s amazing how changing just one element—like the color—can breathe new life into a familiar design.

The fourth version of the Champagne Cardigan holds a special place in my heart. It was a Christmas gift for my boyfriend, with a little backstory that all knitters can appreciate. An old knitter’s superstition says that if you knit your partner a sweater, your relationship will end before you even finish the project. It’s a cautionary tale that has spooked many, but I decided to challenge that superstition head-on.

Not only have I finished knitting the cardigan, but we’re also still happily together! In fact, this was the second sweater I’ve knitted for him, so I guess we’ve defied the odds twice over. For his cardigan, I chose my favorite yarn combination—alpaca and brushed alpaca—for its softness and warmth, but this time in a sophisticated grey that suits him perfectly. It’s a subtle, elegant color that complements him.

Knitting the same pattern multiple times isn’t just a way to save time on learning new stitches; it’s a canvas for your creativity. Each version of the Champagne Cardigan I’ve knitted has its own personality, its own story. The opportunities are limitless, whether it’s giving new life to a failed project by repurposing it into a chic new item or experimenting with fresh color palettes that capture various emotions and seasons.

So, next time you fall in love with a pattern, don’t be afraid to knit it again. And again. And again. Each time, you’re not just making a garment—you’re making something truly unique, something that reflects your journey as a knitter. And who knows? You might just find that your favorite pattern has more to offer than you ever imagined.

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About Yarnness

I'm a knitter who started knitting way before the pandemic hit. I am trying to spread knowledge about knitting crafts and natural fibers, about which I had no idea before starting my knitting journey. Also, I try to have fun even when I'm tangled in my yarn!